Investors in
financial services
across europe
Contact us

Laurent Bouyoux

Founding Partner

Eric May

Founding Partner

Paul Mizrahi

Founding Partner

Bruno Rostain

Founding Partner

Sabine Mathis


Daniel Cohen-Sabban


Damien Lestang


Dr. Kai Franzmeyer


Julien Creuzé


Jean-Philippe Latour

Chief Financial Officer

Aloysius Von Mitschke-Collande


Maxime Mandin

Managing Director

Jouke Garretsen

Managing Director

Sonja Lilienthal

Managing Director

Loic Fonteneau

Investment Director

Sophie Manhes Catala

Investment Director

Michele Foradori

Investment Director

Julien Renaud

Investment Director

Maciej Kozlowski

Investment Director

Pauline Brunel

Investment Director

François-Xavier Tanaka

Investment Director

Marc Kaadi

Investor Relations Director

Louis de Vulpian

Legal Director

Linda Gheyouche

Head of Finance and Risk

Andrea Kaletzke

Finance Director

Romain Grimal

Investment Senior Manager

Océane Zbinden

Investment Manager

Julie Lesueur

Investment Manager

Tom Janssen

Investment Manager

Guillaume Bouzy

Finance Manager

Estela Souto

ESG Manager

Chloé Novène


Alexandre Decroocq

Investment Manager

Pénélope Ferrer

Compliance Officer

Tom Vande Moortel

Senior Investment Associate

Alexis Vial

Investment Associate

Zara Ryan

Investment Associate

Nathalie Schwarzkopf

Investment Associate

Raphaël Berthier

Finance & ESG Associate

Bérénice Kaspi

Compliance Associate

Marine Eberle

Middle Office Associate

Joy Wizman

Investment Associate

Raphael Sosnik

Investment Associate

Pauline Brabant

Investment Associate

Sophia Rhodovi

Senior Investment Analyst

Thomas Lelgouarch

Finance Analyst

Thilo Ellerich

Investment Analyst

Guillaume Fazékas

Investment Analyst

Victoire de Reinach

Investment Analyst

Delia Corthouts

Office Manager - Belgium

Valérie Noël

Office Manager - Germany

Amrta Coutinho

Office Manager